FAB Multi-Function Meter !!(WINTER DISCOUNT)

FAB Multi-Function Meter是銷量非常好的小體積多功能飛行儀表,此儀表能幫助飛行員隨時知道各種飛行所需資訊,飛行中能隨時監控引擎運轉的轉速,調整引擎在最佳狀態。隨時監控汽缸頭溫度,確保引擎不過負荷工作。顯示每秒鐘的上升(下降)率,對氣流飛行做最有效率的控制。從起飛點開始計算高度(或自動海平面高度),隨時掌控高度做最好的飛行管理...等功能,並能提供一些警示提醒功能避免我們飛行的一些危險發生。



一、外觀特性 Appearance characteristics :

 輕巧方便攜帶使用,不佔空間  Lightweight and easy to carry and use, does not occupy space 

 1. 重量 Weight   : 20g

 2. 外型尺寸 Outer size : 85*40*20 mm

 3. 兩種電池方式 Two battery modes :

  接12v電池(飛行時間無限), 外接006p/9v電池(飛行時間約40小時) Connect 12v battery (unlimited flight time), external 006p/9v battery (flight time about 40 hours)


二、基本配備  Basic equipment 

1.  綜合儀表頭 X1 (標準線 1.3M 長)選購 1.9M Integrated meter head X1 (standard line 1.3M long) optional 1.9M  

2. CHT缸頭 14mm 溫度感知線(50cm)X1 CHT cylinder head 14mm temperature sensing line (50cm) X1  

3. 使用說明書一份 A copy of the instruction manual  

4. 放大器固定魔術帶一條 Amplifier fixed magic belt 

5. DC 電原線一條(紅黑 40cm) One DC power cable (red and black 40cm) 

* 可選購附件 Optional accessories 

1. 006P 四方行 9V 外接電池盒 006P Sifangxing 9V external battery box  

2. 排氣管溫度感知頭 Exhaust pipe temperature sensor head 

3. 燃油量感知器 Fuel level sensor 

4. 水溫油溫感知頭 M6*1/M8X1/牙頭 Water temperature and oil temperature sensing head M6*1/M8X1/tooth head 

5. 汽缸頭(火花塞)感知器 12mm/13mm/14mm 可選 Cylinder head (spark plug) sensor 12mm/13mm/14mm optional 


三、PPG 綜合儀表功能 PPG integrated instrument function 

1. 引擎轉速表/過轉速警示 Engine tachometer/over-speed warning 

2. 引擎運轉總時數/保養時數設定/到達提示 Total engine running hours/maintenance hours setting/arrival reminder 

3. 環境氣溫 0~50 ±3℃顯示 Ambient temperature 0~50 ±3℃ display 

4. 高度表/高度設定警示 M(Feet) Altimeter/Altitude setting warning M(Feet) 

5. 每秒升降率 M/S(feet/sec) Rate of rise and fall per second M/S (feet/sec) 

6. 當次運轉時間顯示###M(分) The current running time displays ###M (minutes) 

7. 2個K感知線 30~800 度 C(000~1500 ℉)設定/警示 2 K-sensing lines 30~800 degrees C (000~1500 °F) setting/warning 

8. 燃油量顯示/不足警示 Fuel quantity display/insufficient warning 

9. 計錄顯示上次最高溫度 X2、最高高度、飛行時間。(引擎無運轉時才會顯示) 10.無運轉訊號 10 分鐘後自動關閉進入省電關閉模式。The record shows the last highest temperature X2, the highest altitude, and the flight time. (It will only be displayed when the engine is not running) 10. After 10 minutes of no running signal, it will automatically shut down and enter the power-saving shutdown mode.


四、本表包含以下警示提醒功能 This watch contains the following warning functions :

1. 引擎轉速表:包含單點火,雙點火選擇 RPM/M。最高轉速設定,超轉速紅燈警示。 T1、T2、超溫紅燈警示,FUEL 油量過低紅燈警示。Engine tachometer: including single ignition, dual ignition select RPM/M. Maximum speed setting, over-speed red light warning. T1, T2, over-temperature red light  warning, FUEL low fuel oil red light warning.

2.  引擎運轉小時計 X3:當次運轉時間顯示(停機後再顯示 5 分鐘),總時間顯示,保養時間設定及提醒。Engine running hour meter X3: Display of current running time (5 minutes after shutdown), total time display, maintenance time setting and reminder.

3. 溫度顯示 X3: 2型感溫線輸入,可選擇顯示華氏或攝氏。引擎未運轉時顯示當時氣溫。最高之溫度個別設定及超溫紅燈警示,K 型溫度顯示溫度範圍 30 度~999 度。Temperature display X3: Type 2 temperature sensing line input, selectable to display Fahrenheit or Celsius. The current temperature is displayed when the engine is not running. The highest temperature is individually set and the over-temperature red light warning is provided. The K-type temperature display temperature range is 30 degrees to 999 degrees.

4. 油量顯示器:顯示油料剩餘百分比,用 10 格表示,剩一格持續 1 分鐘後才警示燈亮起(若是零格則 4 秒內就會亮警示燈),當有兩格的訊號進入則清除警示。Fuel quantity indicator: It shows the percentage of fuel remaining, which is represented by 10 grids. The warning light will be on after one grid is left for 1 minute (if there is zero grid, the warning light will be on within 4 seconds). Clear the alert.

5. 高度計: 可切換米或英呎,自動高度歸零(引擎運轉,第一次高度改變超過設定值時自動歸零)OR 手動高度歸零(所有高度以此為準)。Altimeter: switch between meters or feet, automatic altitude reset (the engine is running, the first altitude change exceeds the set value), or manual altitude reset (all altitudes are subject to this).


Notes 注意事項:

‧ 本產品沒有防水功能,請勿在雨中使用,請保持產品乾燥。This product is not waterproof, please do not use it in the rain, please keep the product dry.

‧ 攜帶本產品到國外使用前,請先確認該國家/地區的法規限制等條件。Before using this product abroad, please confirm the laws and regulations of the country/region.

‧ 本產品並沒有經過認證,所以無法保證它所顯示的數據完全正確,請單純作為參考使用。 購買本產品基本包含已下所列,請收到貨品後詳細檢查,如有缺件或外觀有毀損請在 7 日內反應。This product has not been certified, so there is no guarantee that the data displayed on it is completely correct, please use it as a reference only. The purchase of this product basically includes the items listed below. Please check in detail after receiving the goods. If there are any missing parts or damaged appearance, please respond within 7 days.

WeChat 圖片_202001
WeChat 圖片_202001

FAB Multi-Function Meter is a small volume multi-function flight instrument that sells very well. This Meter can help pilots know all kinds of information required for flight at any time. Monitor the operation of engine during the flight, check the RPM and keep in the best condition. Monitor the temperature of cylinder head anytime in order to make sure engine won't over heat. Showing more information about the rate of updraft and downdraft every. Calculate the height starting from the point you fly or count the height above the sea level automatically…etc. And can provide some warning functions to avoid some dangers of our flight.

Purchasing FAB Multi-Function Meter let us to enjoy a beautiful flight in safety and comfort.
